The general purpose of the project is to strengthen entrepre- neurship and innovation in the countryside of Kavala, Drama, Smolyan and Blagoevgrad.
In particular, through the project, four (4) Entrepreneurship Support Units (Rural Business Support Units) are created, which favor the development of micro-entrepreneurship. In this way, chronic problems of entrepreneurship in rural areas are addressed.
A sub-goal of the project is the creation of a cross-border Business Network that will be able to develop cross-border supply chains through trade agreements between Greek and Bulgarian companies.
Finally, a very important goal of the PEIRA project is the use of its results-conclusions in the formulation of forthcoming policies for the development of the rural area.
Project Activities
- A series of consulting and training sessions for the development of business skills take place in the Entrepreneurship Support Units.
- Special counseling and training tools are created.
- The “Innovation Laboratory” takes place.
- Entrepreneurs will now be able to understand and apply business skills and knowledge to their own businesses.
- A website is created, which includes a special website for personalized online identification of business needs.
- Video and brochures are produced and advertising campaigns are organized.
- A sustainable cross-border network of companies is created in the crossborder area, which will continue the project activities.
- The results of the project are made public to local, regional and even national policy makers, with the aim of improving the content and framework of the entrepreneurship support operation in rural areas.
Main expected results of the project
- Four (4) Rural Business Support Units are created.
- New and existing businesses from rural areas are increasing their competitiveness.
- Young and existing entrepreneurs improve their skills and know-how.
- New products and services are developed in the fields of handicrafts and services.
- Synergies and trade agreements are created between the agricultural and tourism sectors (eg. food industries and hotels).
- Cross-border trade relations are strengthened.